All tenants are to ensure a positive lifestyle with a greater responsibility for community harmony and respecting the rights of neighbours. All tenants are also responsible for the behaviour of their visitors.
All rubbish should be securely wrapped before being placed in bins and the lid should be closed. Do not leave rubbish on the ground in the bin area. Boxes must be broken up and flattened before placing in bins.
Larger items of rubbish that do not fit in the bins will have to be disposed of by you, at a local transfer station.
Owners and residents are responsible for emptying and maintaining their mailbox. Junk mail should be disposed of responsibly. If you do not want to receive junk mail we recommend placing a suitable sign to your individual letterbox – these can be purchased from hardware stores.
Complaints about non-resident use (eg, of car parking) or short term occupancy use should be made to Stellar Living using the complaints form or on (08) 9452 9200 (business hours).
Tenants are urged to first speak with offenders about excessive noise, asking them to reduce the volume and reminding them of their obligation not to disturb others. If this is not effective or noise offences are repeated, please use the complaints form or phone (08) 9452 9200 (business hours).
The Strata Titles Act and the by-laws
The Strata Titles Act 1985 governs behavior within complexes. It provides that the Body Corporate may make by-laws and impose fines for contraventions and it makes clear that tenants are responsible for the behavior of their visitors, including children, pets and parking.
Tenant responsibilities as per the Residential Tenancies Agreement include:
Further information on the rights and responsibilities of tenants is included in our Tenant Handbook and the Residential Tenancy Agreement.