Office 1 / 1 Hadlow Place Thornlie WA 6108(08) 9452 - 4:30pm Business Days

Vision & Purpose

Our vision is ‘to increase the provision of sustainable affordable housing options for West Australians in need‘.

Stellar Housing is a values-based organisation that puts people before profits. Our philosophy is based on caring and compassion. We aim to foster maximum self-determination and responsibility in clients and to build resilience, so they can effectively direct their own lives.

We value and respect people and their differences; we believe everyone has a right to be informed but to make their own decisions; we believe that an entitlement to quality, appropriate housing is a key element of participation in society and we see that not-for-profit, community organisations have an essential role in building the social equity necessary to facilitate a stronger, richer society.

We value innovation in creating new solutions that can change old paradigms, not just in what we do but throughout the economy and community. We hope that innovations we pioneer in Stellar will be adopted by for-profit suppliers as well.

We value quality and choice: we specifically reject the idea that low income and marginalised people should not have a choice of appropriate, quality housing.

We value professionalism in our people, reflected in training and qualifications and in positive, professional conduct in relation to all clients and to each other.

Stellar does not promote any particular religious or political viewpoint. Our people work conscientiously to avoid, as far as possible, imposing their own values and beliefs on clients.


Copyright 2013 © Stellar Living Pty Ltd. All Rights Reserved.